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WOW's 'Regenerative' Initiative 

Extension Collaborations 2018-2023


The following videos and action research channels are mile markers of our "Regenerative" Initiatives and offers background information od our dynamic efforts. For more information on WOW Bali; Yayasan Global Banjar International, please review our website and for more current efforts on our Facebook Wow Bali Page. Also, please feel free to download WOW Bali's prospectus from 2012-16. | CLICK HERE

360 Degree Viewing:
This is a documentation of our 'Inaugural MOU meeting' for the development of our 'Regenerative' Initiative. It gives first insights of our development; from considerations of our partnerships and expectations from collaborations. Please review digital MOU for more specific details.

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Over 26 Universities signed with our Initiative at ACIR 2017 Conference.

WOW Action Research

​2017-18 WOW's Research, Instruction & Community Extension Efforts | CLICK HERE

These videos showcased WOW Initiative efforts via interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research methodology; including community exchanges and instructional designs for optimum knowledge exchanges are based on WOW's Framework.


WOW Bali was asked to present our sustainable and regenerative framework at Polytechnics University of the Phillipines ASEAN Connect and here are key 'action research' documentations that might help us better understand Extension developments via technology and science programs and services.


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Dear Partners, Collaborators and Impact Producers,

Welcome to our sustainable and regenerative initiative, a commemoration of community development facilitated through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and pedagogy. Our international partnerships, characterized by transcultural knowledge exchanges, are oriented toward advancing global regeneration by fostering sustainability in global economics, societal dynamics, and transformative leadership. We firmly endorse the belief that the cornerstone of our success lies in fostering a spirit of togetherness. We are enthusiastic about embarking on this voyage of human-centered design through the lens of evolutionary design thinking, with the aim of catalyzing place-based regenerative endeavors.

Our overarching objective is to facilitate the establishment of connections between our institutional collaborators and cooperative researchers at a universality level, thereby nurturing a profound integration conducive to community transformation. Through our outreach initiatives and comprehensive programs, in tandem with the cultivation of transparency via experiential methodologies grounded in both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches, we celebrate the profound insights emanating from these collaborative efforts.

Incorporating our "WOW Dynamics" framework, we leverage the 'dynamics of wellness' to establish a vital connection between our developmental endeavors and the hollistic cognitive integration framework encompassing multiple intelligence, creativity, and overall well-being. This connection readily lends itself to integration within the context of interdisciplinary research alliances and instructional blueprints. Empirical evidence has demonstrated the efficacy of this approach in the realm of regenerative community outreach, resulting in a discernible positive impact.

January 2013, WOW Bali was case studied by Presidio Graduate School for Sustainable Management for IDEO’s HCDConnect sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with their effort on “Permaculture to Save a Disappearing Culture... WOW Bali has a one two punch approach for community based development."

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Our WOW International Initiative focuses on regenerating communities through collaboration and extension development. We believe in a human-centered approach and that by sharing our reasons and working together, we can tackle even the most complex global issues. Join us in this initiative, Click here!


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©2017-2023 WOW Bali. Yayasan Global Banjar Internasional
    Transparent Management & ShareAlike Creative Commons

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