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"Hai Tai enthusiastic idea about sustainability development is very contagious!" Dr. Wayan Kandera

WOW signed MOU with Indonesia's Ministry of Education. Prof/Guru Hai Dai lead a multilateral Social Emotional Learning (SEL) workshop that integrates parents, teachers and community developments at the launching of SEAMEO CECCEP new center and facilities in Lembang Indonesia. 

PHOTO: At this inaugural launching event, Wow's Co-founder, Hai Dai (standing next to Minister Dr. Effandi) signed MOU with Ministry of Education and SEAMEO CECCEP for the development of Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting.

For full presentation  click here!


WOW WE Media

WOW Dynamics & Regenerative Reel created for the award ceremony at International Association of Scholarly Publisher, Editors and Reviewers for the 2017 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education.

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""Many of times, the top skills that they are looking at are the social emotional skills rather than the technology skills."" Dr. Joh Liang

Keynote Speakers Panel at #IHERF2019

Prof/Guru Hai Dai shares WOW Bali's Social Emotional Learning (SEL) framework and Ecosystem design Thinking for Industry 4.0 at The Future of Higher Education Research. 

PHOTO: After Q&A Keynote Panel DiscussionHai Dai (standing next to Dr. Hee Joh Liang, Chairman of Singapore Polytechnics International)

For video snippets,  click here!


Dr. Hee "Joh" Liang support Hai Dai's research. Dr. Joh is former Director of National Computer Board of Singapore in charge of the Education Cluster gave insights to the needs of Industry 4.0 here in Asia. He was also the master planner for the IT in Education Master Plan for the entire nation. His portfolios cover the operations of one school, two departments, SP International and the User Experience Centre.

"Hai Dai has showcased regenerative dynamics not only in his solutions but also in his passion to share his vision and research in promoting ECE as the platform to a healthy human being and a dynamic nation through social emotional learning and a regenerative culture for the 21st century digital landscape;" Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi My Trinh, SEAMEO CECCEP Advisory Board

WOW Joins SEAMEO CECCEP's Gatherings; From presenting at International Seminar 2018 and Governance Board Meeting to Innovative Financing Workshop and Teacher's Synchronizing Programs.
WOW Bai was ask to present at SEAMEO's International Seminar; showcasing WOW Bali's human-centered design framework, "ECCE as the Baseline to the Seven (7) Priorities of Sustainable Education."  Immediately after, Prof Hai Dai was asked to join SEAMEO CECCEP's Governing Board as an Advisor; from there, shared his knowledge on WOW's scalable framework for architecture developments and harmonizing of programs. This is an important understanding for the creations of a Knowledge Environment and Information Exchange System.    

WOW is excited about our new South East Asia Connections and knowledge of SEAMEO's inter-workings and how we can better integrate our social emotional learning framework; which brings new dynamics to myriads of human potential developments and projects for sustainable cultures here in ASEAN's countries. | CLICK HERE for a quick synopsis of WOW's SEAMEO CECCEP Dynamics at their gatherings and see WOW's first offerings of services.

"Prof Guru" Hai Dai (Far Right) with SEAMEO CECCEP Governing Board First Governance Meeting.

"Hai Dai has provided valuable insights and advice and offered solutions in building unified goals for our "Learning Society" and the developments of "Smart City" with our Viet Nam National Council on Education and Human Resources Development, including insights to the components of the ecosystem and foundation design principles such as business models, human capacity, infrastructure, policy and strategy at the Education Commission Conference on Financing Global Education Opportunity." Assoc. Prof. LUU BICH NGOC

Ecosystem Dynamics for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting Developments 
Prof/Guru Hai Dai shares his inspirational framework in connecting parenting with ECCE (early childhood care and education) within  multilateral/sectorial collaborations.


PHOTO: Hai Dai's Keynote presentation inspires the #ICE2019 conference with new dynamics for regenerative developments here in South East Asia.

For full video presentation  click here!



SEAMEO Innotech Reinventing the Future of Learning 

Prof/Guru Hai Dai shares WOW Bali's Social Emotional Learning (SEL) framework and Ecosystem design Thinking for Industry 4.0 at The Future of Higher Education Research. 

PHOTO: Top 40 Academics in eleven Asean Countries to solve the needs of education and co-create solutions to re-inventing the future of learning.

For video snippets,  click here!


Special Moment at Innotech

Special Moment at Innotech

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Special moment after team was selected for the TOP Five Action Planning based on WOW Bali's SEL framework at Seameo Innotech's Reinventing the Future of Learning.

"Hai Dai's creativity and dynamic approach at co-creating innovations has inspired individuals and organizations and people not only in the research and academic communities, but also in other organizations and sectors." DR. ITH VUTHY, Deputy Director for Program

At the South East Asia Ministers of Education Technical Education Development International Seminar in Seam Reap Cambodia, WOW's Co-Founder lead the keynotes presentation with his synopsis of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Education (FIRE) and the importance of a Social Emotional Learning framework in the development of technology eduction. CLICK HERE for full presentation. 

"If we are going to develop technical education here in SEA, we must integrate ASIA's dynamics via culture and our family style; spirit of togetherness connections. Otherwise, the interface of technology lacks the interconnectedness of our basics cultural beliefs system." Hai Dai shares.

Photo of Prof. Hai Dai at SEAMEO TED 1st International Seminar in Cambodia.


WOW connects ASEAN Extension Programs to the human-centered design level; One Community, One Network, WOW Bali was asked to present our sustainable and regenerative framework at Polytechnics University of the Phillipines ASEAN Connect and here are the key 'action research' documentations that might help us better understand Extension developments via technology and science programs and services.

MORE than that, the action research shared by ASEAN leaders and academics affirms WOW "Regenerative" Initiative efforts in the importance of one "human" framework. | CLICK HERE

Photo of "Prof Guru" Hai Dai receiving recognition for WOW Bali Framework at ASEAN Connect 2018.

WOW Bali wants to share our WOW Dynamics, an internationally recognized 'sustainable freedom' framework and how it can bring a community of 125 youths and 25 mentors together... and within three days, 68 youth's social innovation projects was given birth. From Inter-generation to transculturation, we can deeply connect, inspire and share at our last  International and A+ Children's festival.

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"Prof. Hai Dai reminds us that we must not only be smart in our education developments but we must be clever in knowing what has already been successful in processes of tech education. " Dr. Vu Dinh Chuan 

WOW takes Social Emotional Learning to a dynamic and practical framework for Smart Education for Primary School. Prof/Guru Hai Dai was one of nine research presenters on the topic of New Approach for "Smart Education." WOW presented on a fully sustainable smart education program leveraging WOW's Social Emotional Learning Framework..

PHOTO: Deceber 23, 2018 Wow's Co-founder, Hai Dai (center; middle front row), with Ministry of Education and Training, the National Council of Education and Human Resources Development of Vietnam.

For full presentation  click here!


"ACTION DREAMING": WOW Bali youth internship programs shared their experiences with WOW's Mentors in the Phillipines.  In this short but poignant film, "Action Dreaming", showcased a re-enactment of WOW month long academic tour and share a youth's dream in changing the world.


"Highlights Summary"


WOW Bali uniqueness is an Ecosystem Design Thinking framework (see infographic) for sustainable and regenerative developments that is "human-centered" and aims to celebrate living and inspire optimum human creative potentials. The framework is based on inter/trans-disciplinary and translational research and SEL instructional designs for dynamic collaborative networks and community-based fusion developments via connecting energy towards intelligence for authentic flow.

WOW Bali also offers collaborations and partnerships via an Evolutionary Design Thinking framework for any of the sustainable and regenerative development goals.



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